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A glance down the passage—to see that Roding was not lurking?—and her face came back to Gerald, triumph in her eyes. As she did so, the ruffles to the jacket of her riding habit fell away, exposing livid blue bruises about her wrist, ugly in the light of day from the window at their back. "You will be wanting your broth, Hoddy," she said. The sing-song girl rose and meekly pattered out of the office into the night. To be free of outward distraction, he shut his eyes and concentrated upon the scraps she had given him; and shortly, with his eyes still closed, he began to describe Ruth's island: the mountain at one end, with the ever-recurring scarves of mist drifting across the lava-scarred face; the jungle at the foot of it; the dazzling border of white sand; the sprawling store of the trader and the rotting wharf, sundrily patched with drift-wood; the native huts on the sandy floor of the palm groves; the scattered sandalwood and ebony; the screaming parakeets in the plantains; the fishing proas; the mission with its white washed walls and barren frontage; the lagoon, fringed with coco palms, now ruffled emerald, now placid sapphire. “No,” said Ann Veronica, “but I want to know. Vampires are very lonely creatures, John. ‘Will you stop hedging? I’m hanged if I go on with this ridiculous cat and mouse game. Immediately beneath her lay Willesden,—the most charming and secluded village in the neighbourhood of the metropolis—with its scattered farm-houses, its noble granges, and its old grey church-tower just peeping above a grove of rook-haunted trees. The stags and oxen and things all have to fight for us, everywhere. “Why can’t we propagate by sexless spores, as the ferns do? We restrict each other, we badger each other, friendship is poisoned and buried under it!.


This video was uploaded to on 30-04-2024 00:15:57

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