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Urging his steed along Oxford Road,— as that great approach to the metropolis was then termed,—he soon passed Marylebone Lane, beyond which, with the exception of a few scattered houses, the country was completely open on the right, and laid out in pleasant fields and gardens; nor did he draw in the rein until he arrived at Tyburn-gate, where, before he turned off upon the Edgeware Road, he halted for a moment, to glance at the place of execution. ” Lucy replied. ” “I’ll pay you if I have to work at shirt-making at threepence an hour. " "Poor Jack!" sighed Thames. If hate could kill, Ramage would have been killed by a flash of hate. " Thames, who had been more than once on the point of mentioning his accidental rencounter with Jack Sheppard, not being altogether without apprehension, from the fact of his being in the neighbourhood,—now judged it more prudent to say nothing on the subject, from a fear of increasing Mrs. Lose not a moment, Hobson.


This video was uploaded to on 17-04-2024 21:39:13

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